"MY PINK PAGES SUBMIT YOUR PODCAST"If you are a woman podcaster focusing on positive, uplifiting messages, business success tips, and other lifestyle programs, we would love to know more about you!

Our readers are always looking for great podcasts to follow and even places they can showcase their own expertise.

If that is of interest to you, feel free to include your listing below. There is no charge for a standard podcast listing.

Be sure to complete the entire form – once approved, we typically publish these within a week.

Incomplete forms will be deleted. You will only be contacted if your podcast has been published.

We delete all inappropriate content. That includes any listing not owned, operator and/or hosted by women.

NOTE: this is NOT the place to post content queries. All submissions that are not podcasts will be rejected and you will not receive a reply or notification of deletion. Please use the contact form on our CONTACT page for such requests.

Be sure and include a brief description of your woman hosted podcast, a link to *podcast art and the URL of the Podcast  for us to review. Podcast MUST be hosted by a woman in order to be posted. NOTE: All submissions without a link to a podcast will be discarded! 

Submit Your Podcast

Submit Your Podcast

Thanks for your interest in submitting your woman-hosted podcast. Here are some basic instructions:
Form must be completely filled out to be considered - or it will be discarded.
You will receive a confirmation once you have submitted your form. After submitting you may return to this page to upgrade your podcast listing
PODCAST ART – IMAGES SHOULD BE SIMILAR TO THOSE ON APPLE PODCASTS and size should be at least 500 X 500 pixels - this is the image we will also share on social media.

Name of Host
Name of Host


In addition to the FREE listing above we also offer TWO options for a FEATURED LISTING.

Annual Featured listings are only $17 and Lifetime Featured Listings are only $47.


Once you do, you will receive an email notice that your listing is live (please allow up to 48 hours for your live listing to be available).

When you purchase a Featured Listing, your podcast is listed in the Featured Category, and is showcased on the home page of My Pink Pages. In addition, all featured listings are shared on social media (combined following 100K+)

Choose which option you want and order the FEATURED LISTING: Once paid you will receive a notice and your podcast listing will be upgraded to Featured.

Listing Options


In addition, Featured Listings also receive a receive a $10 discount to list your woman-owned business on our sister site HER Business Listings –

We reserve the right to reject or delete any submissions we feel are inappropriate or do not fit in with the content of

"list your podcast on my pink pages podcast directory"